John Soper

John tried Yoga initially while working in Information Technology to combat stress and for relaxation. He didn’t look back … eight years later he commenced teacher training and then teaching. He has practiced Iyengar Yoga since 2001 and has been teaching since 2011.

John undertook teacher training in Melbourne at Clifton Hill Yoga Studio with Marina Jung. He has attended many workshops and conventions with senior teachers and has studied in India on six occasions between 2012 and 2023: at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (three times) at the Yog-Ganga Centre for Yoga Studies in Dehradun and at the Patanjala Yoga Kendra in Rishikesh (twice). He also attended a course conducted by BKS Iyengar in Guangzhou, China in 2011 as part of the inaugural China-India Yoga Summit. John is a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher (upgraded to level 2 in 2018).

Aurora Darby

Yoga came to Aurora during year 12 and University, helping her to alleviate stress and the aches of long hours of study. She became enthralled with the Iyengar method and completed teacher training with Marina Jung at Clifton Hill Yoga Studio in 2019.

Aurora became a Certified Level 1 Iyengar Yoga teacher, and has traveled to India to learn from the Iyengar family in RIMYI, Pune in November 2019 and at the Yoganusasanum Convention in December 2022.

Aurora has taught at Iyengar Yoga studios across Melbourne, run children’s yoga classes and taught teenagers at school. She continues her professional development with Marina Jung as well as attending workshops with other senior teachers.

Parallel to her practice, Aurora is a musician and music teacher. She teaches Classical Violin, Viola and Contemporary Jazz Singing. She also studies South Indian Carnatic Singing with Shobha Sekhar.

Natalie Campbell

Natalie’s yoga practice began in her early forties when a friend invited her to a community class where she found herself instantly drawn to the space of yoga. Despite the physical, mental and emotional challenges that came to the surface when she began practicing – this transformative process left her with a deep sense of fulfillment. She credits her first teacher as having incredible clarity and strength and instilling in her a deep philosophical regard for the practice.

In 2019 Natalie began a dedicated practice at Clifton Hill Yoga Studio under the guidance of Senior teacher Marina Jung, and in 2021 gained her certification as an Iyengar Yoga teacher. She describes the Iyengar method as very supportive – ‘the props build tremendous confidence in you as a practitioner – they heighten your understanding of alignment in the pose thereby extending your awareness. This accessibility is mirrored in Iyengar’s quote that Yoga is for everyone.’ She continues to practice and learn from gifted teachers.

Karen Cameron

Karen started attending Iyengar Yoga classes in her late twenties at the Action School of Yoga, the first Iyengar Yoga School in Melbourne, then owned by senior teachers Glenn and Margaret Ceresoli. It was here that she unexpectedly experienced the profound physical and emotional benefits of yoga. A two month residential yoga course taught by Glenn and Margaret instilled a commitment to a dedicated daily yoga practice. Since then Karen’s practice has supported her through two pregnancies and continues to provide a strong grounding for coping with the varied stresses of daily life.

Arising from a wish to gain a deeper understanding of the Iyengar Yoga method Karen enrolled in teacher training with senior teachers under the guidance initially of  Frank Jesse and then of Marina Jung, gaining her certification as an Iyengar Yoga teacher in 2012 (upgraded to Level 2 in 2023). She has attended several workshops and conventions with senior teachers including Abhijata Iyengar, BKS Iyengar’s granddaughter. Karen has taught in a variety of settings including Clifton Hill Yoga Studio, Bridge Yoga, corporate locations and high schools. She continues professional development with Marina Jung.

Iyengar Yoga certification takes a minimum of five years study and practice