Yoga Bhuja is an inclusive and community minded yoga studio situated in Carlton South. Less than five minutes walk from the CBD, RMIT and Melbourne University.
We offer general classes for everyone as well as beginners, level 1 and level 2 classes. Something for everyone!
We look forward to meeting you and supporting your yoga journey.
Experience the benefits of a dedicated yoga practice – physical strength, balance and flexibility, clarity of mind, a holistic life – with long term practitioners and teachers of the Iyengar method: John Soper, Karen Cameron and Natalie Campbell
“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.”
BKS Iyengar
$40 first 15 days unlimited classes
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Needs based concession on application
We apply a “Safety First” policy with small classes and an air purifier to improve ventilation and to filter viruses.
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